Consumers do their research
Consumers are always evolving and it’s a race to anticipate and understand their ever-changing needs, habits and decision-making processes. What’s interesting is that consumers across the board are reviewing ingredient lists when evaluating a product’s quality and deciding whether or not they will purchase it.
Our research revealed that shoppers identifying as non-supplement users tend to first look at price, brand, and then ingredient lists to inform whether the product meets their quality standards.
However, the importance of evaluating ingredients rises to the top for the occasional and core supplement user. Additionally, these consumers scrutinize products and ingredients through research and self-education to inform their purchasing decisions.
The NEXT team saw this come to life when we conducted a survey of 1,000 consumers to evaluate 40+ trends: 16% of natural and organic consumers indicated they were more likely to purchase a product aligned with transparency. And innovators are serving that need – when looking at companies registered to exhibit at Expo West 2020 and Expo East 2020, 16% of exhibitors demonstrated transparency around their product formulations, sourcing and testing protocols, to name a few.
Consumers are also demanding robust scientific research as the foundation for validating a supplement’s worth and integrity to warrant their purchase.
Supplement brands are missing a huge opportunity to win over consumers by overlooking the importance of transparency and scientific substantiation. When it comes to supplements, oversharing is in. See you NEXT month!