Helping you discover & connect
Usually, when we feature trends and innovation content, we feel as though we are celebrating the success and achievements of our industry. In these uncertain times, celebration doesn’t feel quite right… but appreciation definitely does.
We recognize innovating is not the primary focus for many right brands now, and we also recognize retailers are focused on the logistics of keeping their shelves stocked. But we also sincerely hope things will stabilize soon, and when they do, we will all once again have capacity to focus on new products, innovation and growth. The resources below are here to serve you once you are ready for that.
For now we would like to take a moment to appreciate those who are helping to shape evolution and growth in the natural and organic food and nutrition industry. In the spirit of supporting the discovery and connection critical to growth in our industry, we wanted to make sure you’re aware of several resources.
To help support retailers and brands, we have been publishing regular brand features over the past few weeks, in our series NEXT Trends 2020. The brands being featured in this series were selected from brands registered to exhibit at Natural Products Expo West 2020, and were curated as great examples of the 50 trends NEXT is monitoring in the marketplace. New brands and trends are being added daily (until we cover all 50 trends), so check back often!
To further support discovery and connection, we want to make sure everyone is aware of the Natural Products Expo Connect platform. Natural Products Expo attendees, including buyers, distributors and more can use Expo Connect to explore products and brands that would have showcased at the event. All Expo West exhibitors can now load premium content to Natural Products Expo Connect, including videos, press releases, marketing materials and more. More details on how to maximize your digital presence on Natural Products Expo Connect are available here.
Lastly, be sure to tune in on Tuesday, April 14th for a free webinar we’ll be hosting along with our friends at Suzy, The Future of Grocery Shopping in Uncertain Times. This comprehensive webinar will explore how COVID-19 is impacting how and where consumers shop for the groceries they need, what this means for the future, and how companies can best plan for the next 60 days. The presentation will also look at the changes through the lens of the natural & organic products industry.
And as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the NEXT Data & Insights team if we can help your brand navigate these unprecedented times.